"19". That’s how many days it took for me to finally find a job. I'll have to say it was an experience. I do want to say a special thanks to all those who have been praying for me in my transition and recent job search. I know that my joining the ranks of the employed is directly because of your faithfulness to prayer and God’s faithfulness to each of us.
Speaking of God’s faithfulness, without question He completely prepared the way before me prior to my coming to New York – to include the job I have now. A few months ago while I was still in Nashville I was working at
Rippy’s when a couple came in for lunch. Casually I asked them where they were from and they told me New York. I immeadiately began to tell them about my impending move to New York in a few weeks to do ministry work. He was genuinely excited and began sharing with me all about New York City. At the end of the meal he gave me his card and said, “My son owns three restaurants in New York, so when you get to there and need a job, give me or him a call.” Amazing!
I got in to town and gave his son a call. However, at the beginning it was virtually impossible to get anything worked out as we played phone tag for forever it seemed. In the meantime I put together my resume and applied at over thirty other restaurants in New York. Yes I did say the word resume. I found out that you absolutely need one of those things in New York to apply for a servers gig. That exercise resulted in me hearing the answer “no” in a multitude of different ways. The most common being, “Sorry, you don’t have any New York experience.”
However, God came through again and I finally connected with the man’s son. He set me up an interview with a manager and I went into the process with a resume and a big smile. Turned out the manager didn’t need my resume, he hired me on the spot! Maybe, it was the big smile?
Since then I have worked three shifts and I recognize it can easily be a great place for me to meet people, connect, and network. On top of that I get to make some money there too! So after nineteen days I served my first table at
Choice Kitchen and Cocktails. It was a party for a baby shower in our private area. How many people were in this party? Silly question,19 of course!