Young Life Chelsea recently had our first Girls Night Out. Read about it as on of our volunteers shares:
"Wow. Friday night was definitely a hit. Not only was it a blessing to me to be able to hang out with five middle school girls and just love on them, but as the evening wore on and the girls got a little more comfortable with each other and us, I could tell that they were having an awesome time as well! When the evening was almost over, one of the girls even came up to me and was telling me how much fun she was having and how the next event we needed to get nail polish and paint each others nails.
The evening started off at the Gallery Church. As we were waiting for all the girls to come, we played Apples to Apples and another ice breaker game. Around 7pm we left to go eat at Schnippers. I was able to sit with the girls and just get to know them a little better. I learned a lot too . . .specifically about Justin Beiber. For those of you who have middle school girls, I am sure you know about this singer. I didn't know anything, but I can't say that anymore : ). After dinner we went back to the church to decorate hair bands and clips. This was a hit. The girls got so excited with all the fabric and beads that they could decorate with. I think the most creative headband was one decorated with skittles. It was quite colorful!
I can't tell you how thankful I am for your prayers and support. The evening was such a success. The Lord definitely blessed this evening and the time we had with the girls. I am super excited for the next event and I know that the girls are as well! It was an awesome oppurtunity to reach out to these girls and show them that they are loved and cared for! As a middle schooler, I never had an female adult who I felt comfortable around to hang out with and open up to. I am excited for the opportunity that Christ has given me to make a difference in the lives of these girls. Thank you so much for your prayers and support."
Brenda; Young Life Chelsea Committee