As the world continues to tune in and listen to the myriad of news reports about the devastation caused in Haiti by the worse earthquake suffered in 250 years, many in Flatbush, Brooklyn have already spent untold hours frantically dialing all the phone numbers they know to check on family and loved ones back home.
I cannot begin to imagine what my Brooklyn neighbors from just down the street are going through during this time. I believe I know what pain, loss, and uncertainty feels like, but this event has been catastrophic and the people of Brooklyn's "Little Haiti" can do little now but wait. Waiting to hear if their loved ones are safe and doing okay.
I have not been able to be around the internet that much, as I have just recently moved to my new apartment in Brooklyn. Even so I have already found myself surrounded by such great need that I had to find a way to write. I'm asking each of you to pray for and to consider giving to the relief work in Haiti.
FIrst, you can visit the website for Gallery Church and under online giving set up an account and give money to the Haiti relief work. You can do so by indicating Haiti in the memo and 100% goes straight to the relief work there. Secondly, you can make a $10 donation to the American Red Cross by texting the word "HAITI" to 90999. I will also be venturing into Brooklyn's "Little Haiti" tomorrow and seeing what needs they have there. This area has the largest population of Haitian descent outside of Port-au-Prince. While there I may be made aware of more ways for you to be able help, so I will keep you posted.
Please take some time out of your day and think about what these people must be going through. Then ask yourself what you can do to help as you tune in.
Blankets are a big need as of now as many Haitans are sleeping outside. Contact your local church or donate to the American Red Cross.
ReplyDeleteBruce Chesser of Hendersonville First Baptist tweet: Please bring new twin blankets Sunday, Jan.17 at 3 p.m. We have collection places set up around the church.
It appears that World Vision is attempting to get all the mega churches to work thru established programs, supplying $$ & supplies instead of "well-intended untrained bodies". Here is an opportunity for churches, denominations and other christian groups to work together to help the people of Haiti! God bring your people together for your Glory!