Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Feeling Like a Champion @ Lake Champion

I have had the opportunity to get away from the city for the past couple of days. It has been refreshing and extremely educational. I am at Lake Champion attending the Multicultural Retreat for Young Life staff who work in urban settings. Being taught about how to do ministry in our setting and hearing the stories of others in the trenches like me has provided so much fuel!

Meanwhile my Young Life Chelsea volunteer team rocked it last night at club in NYC without me! When I say rocked it... they had over 15 kids attend club and did a tremendous job running everything without me! I feel like a champion because I am surrounded by a volunteer team of champions that are making ministry happen in the Big Apple (even while I'm by the big lake).

I'm telling you, this is exciting stuff and if you haven't been tuning in... make sure you do now. This stuff is about to explode! I feel confident that we will soon see kids introduced to Jesus and then be able to help them walk in their faith!

Pray for us:

- Pray that we will find a place to meet for our weekly club meetings (McD's ain't gonna cut it much longer).
- Pray that volunteer workers will continue to see themselves as missionaries.
- Pray that I am able to bring at least 2 teens back with me to Lake Champion for Young Life summer camp.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I Could Really Use A Wish Right Now

Young Life Chelsea kicked off a weekly club meeting four weeks ago and it has been amazing to see God up to some pretty cool stuff! A month in and we have established a weekly connection with a core group of teens and a great group of volunteer leaders. I am overwhelmed to be a part of this journey.

Tonight we met and had an incredible club! We had cheeseburgers and shakes, played the game "Apples to Apples", and talked about Jesus teaching us how to pray.

We played the song "Airplanes" by B.O.B. and Haley Williams while they wrote down three wishes they would want to wish for. We then shared with them that Christ wants to meet their needs and told them that prayer is an opportunity to bring those to Him. It was incredible as a few of the kids knew the "Lord's Prayer" and even recited it for us!

God is moving, and I am so thankful that you are a part of this journey. Please continue to pray for us and support this ministry. You rock! Young Life Chelsea is rocking! Jesus rocks! Can you tell I am excited?!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Birthday Gift!

If you are thinking about getting me something for my birthday then make a one-time donation to Young Life Chelsea! Ministry needs that your gift would go to:

- bibles for teens in NYC
- resources for our weekly evangelistic meetings
- space rental for our weekly meetings
- a new laptop for ministry purposes (mine is dying)
- sending teens to Young Life camp

Make checks to: Young Life Chelsea
Memo line: YL128
Mailing Address: Young Life Chelsea - Gallery Church
1160 Broadway 5th Floor
New York City, NY 10001

If you are interested in providing an ongoing donation then e-mail me for more information: [].

Thanks for a great birthday!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's Time!

I have put off blogging for a bit as I have been rocking a few things. However, I am jumping back into the blogging world. I'm going to be more regular with you - so be excited! So, let me update you on the big things that have happened in my life since I last blogged.

I have been working as the worship director of Gallery Church since August and I love it! I am blessed to have some talented and committed people around me as I lead the music, media, and sound teams. Pray for continued direction and leadership with these teams and the worship at Gallery Church!

I have also been working for City Uprising since the beginning of the year. It has been a privilege to give direction to and lead the worship experiences thus far and I look forward to those upcoming with City Uprising.

Lastly, I and my team officially launched Young Life Chelsea two weeks ago! It started with a bang as we had a good core group of neighborhood kids attend with strong adult volunteer leadership from Gallery Church. This was only able to happen as several of you have been praying, and supporting this ministry financially. Your continued prayers and financial support are greatly appreciated.

I am just overwhelmed at what God has been up to in my life! It is crazy to think that over a year ago I moved here without much direction but to get up and "Go." I quickly found a job serving tables, and slowly but surely God opened doors for me to drop the apron and step into full-time ministry. It is great to be serving Christ and His church here in NYC. I look forward to sharing the journey with you.