Monday, November 2, 2009

The World Series

Johnny Damon hit a two-out single off Brad Lidge in the ninth, swiped two bases on one play and scored the go-ahead run on A-Rod's double for a 7-4 N.Y. win and a 3-1 Series lead Sunday night. What the Yankees have been able to do over the last three games has been more than just a simple turn around. After the first game was won by the Phillies in N.Y. sports heads began saying that the Yankees were close to done and certainly a step behind the Phillies. Now, as the whole world watches, this series has obviously taken a dramatic turn.

I was able to watch the ninth inning of the Yankees game from the comfort of Freddy T. and Susan Wyatt's apartment. Shortly before that I was watching the beginning of the game at a Wildwood, a local BBQ joint in downtown Manhattan, with several of my new friends from the Gallery Church. Most of you know by now that yesterday I relocated from Nashville to New York to start a new series in life. For me, my world has quickly and drastically changed.

At a young age I knew that God was calling me to full-time ministry. My idea of this meant that I would be doing youth ministry somewhere at a church in the south. So I went to seminary and studied what it took to be a youth pastor and my first job after graduating was just that. Three years later God has obviously redirected my plans! Never in my life would I have thought that I would be in NYC by the time I was 30 doing ministry as a church-planter. To this point I still don't even know what it takes to do church planting or if I have the skill set for such a challenge. But I'm willing to give it a shot as surely God has led me here. If there is one thing I am comfortable about at this moment is that I am surrounded by some great people here as I worship at The Gallery Church. I look forward to being intimately involved in the life of the church and soaking up whatever God desires for me to learn.

Thank you to all the people that are praying for me and also those who have committed to giving to me financially. Without you I could not be embarking on this new series in my life. Please stay tuned to my blog as I truly want you and anyone else in my world to know what God is doing and what I am up to. Look forward to sharing more with you very soon. Go Yanks! For the record I have been a Yankees fan since I was a kid. Some things never change.

1 comment:

  1. My prayer is that God will richly bless this incredible step of obedience you have just taken and would begin to work through you in such a way that there can be no other explanation than God's awseome power. Let Him and Him alone, lead, guide and direct your every step as you walk the hungry streets of NY sharing the Gospel!
